In case no one from the apartment building undertakes the difficult task of collecting the money, paying the bills, monitoring the dues and generally accounting the common expenses, our company has the solutions.

What we offer:

  1. Issuing of common expenses.
  2. Collection of charges:
    1. Door-to-door on a predetermined date that is announced in time in the notice of each tenant.
    2. Through e-banking using the bank accounts that can be found in our company’s website
    3. In the company’s offices from 9:00 to 17:00.
  3. Payment of all shared expenses ( Utility bills, cleaning services, maintenance, heating etc. ) and uploading of all receipts on our website www.expo-koinoxrista.com
  4. Maintenance of revenue-expenditure record, offering the possibility of continuous detailed updating and monitoring of the fund
  5. Annual financial report with detailed income-expense statement and account balance.
  6. Monitoring of arrears of debts and notification of debtors for payment at regular intervals and depending on the number of unpaid receipts
  7. Ability to provide detailed information to both the administrator and the owners – tenants through our website www.expo-koinoxrista.comThe tenants, but at the same time the owners, have the opportunity to be informed immediately about the issuance of the common expenses and their balance but also to see all the documents of the expenses as they are posted immediately after payment on our website for absolute transparency of all transactions.
  8. Reading and recording of heating meters.
  9. Purchasing of (labor) Insurance Coupons for cleaning crews
  10. There should definitely be a manager-representative of the building as all the expenses of the common expenses are approved by the co-owners themselves and their representative.
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